Nerf Walkie Talkies

Check out these two Nerf Walkie Talkies below. This Nerf Walkie Talkies can be used for up to 1000 feet with Morse code button on the front of each. There are 2 designs available, the yellow and blue colours. The walkie talkies are rugged sport designs so they are great for outdoor activities. They are suitable for children ages 5 and above. Perfect for any Nerf fanatics.

nerf walkie talkies


nerf walkie talkies yellow


Lego Walkie Talkies

Children just love their Lego. If you have kids who just can not stop playing with their Lego, just like mine, check out this cool Lego Walkie Talkies below. This walkie talkies are easy to use by using one push/talk button and they can be used to talk up to 1  mile away. They have volume control and one channel.  Perfect for any Lego fans to communicate with their friends.

lego walkie talkies
