Toot toot…. Time to dress up as Thomas the tank engine as Halloween is coming. Check out for some cute Thomas train costumes for kids below. There is Thomas the No.1 engine costume for kids. The costume set includes a foam train overlay featuring Thomas face in blue color and engineer cap. There is also Thomas costume for baby which includes Thomas the tank printed character foam apron and engineer cap in blue, red and white colors. The last one is Percy costume. Percy is No. 6 green engine train and he is also a best friend of Thomas. The costume set includes a green foam train overlay featuring James face and a cap. What a cute costume kids who love Thomas and friends. If you have kids who love Thomas and why not get one today for them and they will love this costume. Perfect for Halloween or Thomas train theme birthday party.

Thomas The Tank Engine Train Costume for Kids

Thomas The Tank Engine Train Costume for Baby

Thomas The Tank Engine Train Percy Costume for Kids