Game of Thrones Plush

If you are looking for Game of Thrones plush then you have come to the right place. Below are Game of Thrones plush featuring Stark’s direwolves. There are 5 direwolves available such as Nymeria, Lady, Shaddydog, Grey Wind, Summer and Ghost. They are made from polyester. The size is approx. 9 inches from tip of the ear to paw and 7 inches from nose to tail and 5 inches from cheek to cheek.

Game of Thrones Direwolf Pup PlushGame of Thrones Direwolf Pup Plush

Below are some Game of Thrones plush featuring 3 Dragon egg of Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion which are belong to Daenerys Targaryen. The size is approx. 7 inches tall.

game of thrones plush dragon eggs amazon

These Game of Thrones plush are great for collection to any Game of Thrones fans.